As an extension of the brand philosophy, New Era launches Fit For Glory campaign again, this year centering on the concept of “Staying True”, to encourage people not to give up when difficult situation arises, let your original aspiration be the fuel that pushes you forward, readjust when needed to set out again towards the goal, strive for the best until glory is yours.
To present the Fit For Glory campaign and new looks for Fall/Winter, New Era has once again invited Alton Wong from popular local boy-band MIRROR and Poki Ng from ERROR for a video campaign and photoshoot, except this year New Era also sends a fresh invitation to Frankie Chan - another member of MIRROR - to join the duo in sharing their personal experience in pursuing dreams while giving a 2023 Fall/Winter collection preview.
New Era 延續一直堅守的品牌理念,再度展開「Fit For Glory」企劃,並以「初心」作為主要概念,鼓勵大家遇到困難時不能輕易放棄,要時刻提醒自己拼搏的初衷,然後重新調 整、再度出發,堅持不懈,努力成就更優秀的自己,見證榮耀一刻。New Era 今年繼續邀得本地人氣男團MIRROR成員王智德(Alton Wong)及 ERROR成員吳保錡(Poki保錡)坐 鎮,同時邀請MIRROR另一位成員陳瑞輝(Frankie Chan)加入陣容,率先親身示範秋冬服飾,並拍攝宣傳短片及造型照,分享他們追夢奮鬥的獨特經歷,同時讓大家一覽品牌 2023年秋冬的全新單品。