
      Paisley has long been a firm favorite of fashion lovers, this season New Era rides with the trend to release MOROCCAN PAISLEY collection, bringing brand new Moroccan Paisley designs in stunning visuals made possible with the latest printing technology, sure to kick start another wave of shopping craze. The collection is available in the popular bucket silhouette and the classic 9FIFTY, 9FORTY UNST, 9FORTY AF silhouettes. The former bucket is made specifically with discharge printing technology, the hat is covered in the latest Moroccan Paisley print, with refined lines and popping colors to present the complexity and depth of paisley beautifully, giving a refreshing impression; the latter three baseball caps also feature paisley print on the body and brim with the same technology, with New York Yankees logo embroidered in the front. The simple and sleek outlines of the four silhouettes make them suitable for both men and women, whereas the unique prints add vitality and vibrancy to any summer outfits.

      In addition, MOROCCAN PAISLEY include two cotton short-sleeve shirts for mixing and matching, in dark grey and white respectively, ready for creating street fashion looks. The highlight of the design is on the left pocket, where Moroccan Paisley is printed as a subtle embellishment, turning the item into a must-have seasonal staple for late summer and early fall.

      腰果花圖案向來深受一眾時尚愛好者的追捧,今季 New Era 亦乘勝追擊推出MOROCCAN PAISLEY系列帶來全新摩洛哥腰果花設計,更採用新印花技術呈現效果,誓必再次掀起搶購熱潮。系列分別備有人氣款式漁夫帽及經典棒球帽型 9FIFTY、9FORTY UNST、9FORTY AF,前者的漁夫帽特別採用拔染印花技術,在帽身大幅印上新款摩洛哥腰果花圖案,線條細緻,顏色分明,完美呈現出深淺效果不一的腰果花姿態,令人眼前一亮;後者的三款棒球帽除了同樣以拔染在帽身和帽舌印上摩洛哥腰果花圖案,前方更繡有紐約洋基隊隊徽,四款帽型簡約百搭,適合男生或女生配戴,獨特圖案讓夏日造型更亮眼活力。

      另外,MOROCCAN PAISLEY 備有兩款棉質短版上衣作配襯,分別帶來深灰及白色,適合各個街頭時尚造型,而重點則落在同樣印上摩洛哥腰果花圖案的左胸口袋,低調點綴,成為在夏末初秋季節裡的必備百搭單品。